Page 16 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 16

          F AMIL Y  LIFE

          KENYA and the Marie Stopes and Gates Foundation Onslaught
          By Fr. Shenan J. Boquet

          Used by permission: Human Life International. Published November 26th, 2018.

                   his is the second time    with some exceptions. However,     rendered within all its facilities.”
                   this month that I can     Marie Stopes has been thumbing
                   share with you some       its nose at the government, by both   Emil Hagamu, HLI’s Regional
          Tgood news out of Africa!          advertising and performing illegal   Director in English-speaking Africa,
          Earlier this month I told you about   abortions. In September the govern-  told me that when news of Kenya’s
          how the Tanzanian government had   ment had ordered Marie Stopes to   decision broke, he was in Mauritius
          ordered a U.S. government-funded   stop running illegal advertisements   with Ann Kioko, the woman who
          agency to cease running its pro-con-  promoting abortion. Astonishingly,   led the charge against Marie Stopes
          traception ads in that country. Now   however, the organization openly   in Kenya. “It was a moment of joy
          we have received the heartening    defied that ban, and continued to   for us all,” he recounted. “Marie
          news that the Kenyan government    run the ads. To ensure that Marie   Stopes has become the giant killer
          has ordered the abortion giant, Ma-  Stopes obeys the latest order, the   organization of the unborn innocent
          rie Stopes International, to cease all   Kenyan Medical Practitioners Board   children of Africa. As we all know,
          abortion services in Kenya.        has demanded that Marie Stopes is-  abortion is a demonic ritual. Marie
                                             sue reports on a weekly basis for the   Stopes and its affiliates are sacrific-
          Abortion is mostly illegal in Kenya,   next 60 days detailing “all services   ing millions of unborn children.”

          16      |   Heal . Restore . Rebirth .  Afrika
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