Page 17 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 17
behavior of Marie Stopes and its
affiliates. The diabolical irony is that after
performing unsafe illegal back-alley
Marie Stopes’ Diabolical Decep- abortions in developing countries,
tion Marie Stopes then turns around and
These two decisions have also uses the existence of unsafe illegal
helped draw attention to the abortions to push for the legaliza-
Fr. Shenan J. Boquet has served as president of staggering scale of Western in- tion of abortion. In other words,
Human Life International since 2011. He was or- Marie Stopes creates the problem,
dained in 1993 as a priest of the Roman Catho- terventions in Africa in favor of
lic Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux, Louisiana. As population control, abortion, and and then presents itself and its mur-
HLI’s president, Fr. Boquet collaborates with fel- hedonistic sexual values. derous ideology as the “solution.”
low laborers in the pro-life and family movement In fact, that is precisely what Marie
in over 80 countries, offering the Sacraments,
giving seminars and trainings, appearing on nu- Marie Stopes, for instance, employs Stopes has been doing recently in
merous media outlets, and encouraging people of some 12,000 personnel and oper- Kenya, announcing a campaign in
all walks of life to live as faithful advocates for a late September to start a “national
Culture of Life and Love. He is available for inter- ates in 37 countries. Every year, it
views and bookings on behalf of HLI by emailing receives hundreds of millions of conversation” on “unsafe abor- tion”: in other words, to normalize
dollars in funding from Western
governments and donors. According abortion by exploiting the compli-
to the BBC, Marie Stopes has been cations that arise as a consequence
active in Kenya since 1985, operat- of its own actions and pro-abortion
Emil explained that the action ing 22 clinics and 15 mobile clinics. propaganda.
against Marie Stopes came after he
submitted reports to the president Marie Stopes is brazen in its mission Marie Stopes: Tip of the Iceberg
of Tanzania (Emil lives in Dar es to bring abortion to Africa, flagrant- However, Marie Stopes is just one
Salaam) about the abortion organi- ly violating national laws by offering of a vast array of NGOs, and
zation’s secret abortion activities in illegal abortions, often shrouded non-profits promoting abortion,
the country. Emil and Ms. Kioko in euphemisms like “post-abortion population control and “LGBT”
both spearheaded petition cam- care” or “menstrual regulation.” ideology in developing countries.
paigns against Marie Stopes. “What Officially the abortion organization In many cases one finds that even
has happened to Marie Stopes in denies that it performs illegal abor- those western-funded NGOs and
Kenya is a victory to all life-lov- tions. But in 2007 Paul Cornellisson, non-profits whose mission isn’t
ing people in the world and more Marie Stopes Program Director for directly related to human sexuality
particularly Africa,” Emil said, “And South Africa, was caught on camera or family regulation are nevertheless
I pray the rest of African govern- boasting to laughter at a conference closely networked with extremist
ments will do the same.” that Marie Stopes “does illegal abor- pro-abortion groups. In many cases
tions all over the world.” they are using other legitimate chari-
table work as a pretense or wedge to
Marie Stopes rickshaw used for In a must-watch video produced by push pro-abortion and pro-contra-
pushing population control in Culture of Life Africa, one former ception propaganda.
Tanzania Ugandan Marie Stopes nurse de-
scribes her shock and horror when Indeed, another, less-encourag-
These two decisions – by Tanzania she learned that Marie Stopes was ing piece of news from this week
and Kenya – are encouraging signs violating Ugandan law and per- further highlights the scale and
that African leaders are waking up forming abortions. Desire Kirabo arrogance of the assault on Africa.
to the reality that wealthy Western describes how the painful abortions At the International Conference
governments, NGOs, and other so- were performed on “screaming” on Family Planning (ICFP) three
called “non-profits” or “charitable” women by medical assistants, not donors announced an additional
organizations are waging an assault doctors, using manual vacuum as- $350 million in funding for so-called
on African values on Life and Fam- piration. The bodies of the aborted “family planning” in Africa and
ily. Kenya is to be commended for babies, she said, were flushed down South Asia. Two of the donors are
recognizing the threat to its young- the toilet, or dumped in the latrine. the nations, Canada and the UK,
est and most vulnerable citizens, Ms. Kirabo was let go after she re- while the third is the Gates Founda-
defending them from the murderous fused to participate in the abortions. tion, run by Microsoft-founder Bill