Page 15 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 15
When a man or a people have found themselves and their purpos-
es, life stops being just a collection of random events and activities. es left for us here? Without mean-
Life starts becoming a series of coordinated events and activities ing it in any bad way, why is it that
that are expressions of purpose and vision. Life stops being inci- some of our finest Afrikan doctors,
dental and starts to be purposeful and beautiful. engineers, technologist, professors,
athletes, creators, bankers, actors etc
are outside of Afrika and we are left
parts with things and activities, the the encumbrances of life. And by with most of those that cause us
less we have time and space for wisdom be able to clearly deter- trouble?
spirit. Such lifestyle only gives the mine what works and what has the
system of Babylon full control of ability to bring them to the place of Life in Afrika can be better
our lives. And if you ask me, the being their best both in the spirit I grew up hearing about the con-
Afrikan problem is very much tied and in the physical. In other words, cept of greener pastures and the
to how much we have compromised we all must let loose the warriors many other activities that people,
the Afrikan narrative with the sys- within us. Why? There is no future especially Afrikans, do to get to
tem of Babylon. for the Afrikan story if we do not such greener pastures. But my ques-
wake up and realize that there are tion always is this, why do Afrikans
Recently, I started growing my people, systems that are trying to think that Afrika cannot be made
dreads and my beard. Now, when- exterminate us or at best keep us better? Or why are Afrikans not
ever guys see me on the street, they as perpetual slaves to their vain and realizing that the countries they call
call me Rasta, even though my wife wicked globalist ideologies. We must greener pastures were built not just
has longer dreads than me, and I let loose the warriors within us and by the people of those places, but
have never heard anyone call her take back our lives. also by the help of foreigners, espe-
Rasta. Almost all the time, the guys cially Afrikans. Which brings me to
that call me Rasta are guys I don't Why a warrior? another question. Why is it possible
even know. What else does one need to be to for Afrikans to build other nations
So one day my wife and I were just deal with a system that is conscious- but not to build Afrika?
talking about dread locks and the ly set to destroy anything that does
concept behind the name Rasta. not say yes to them, if not a What could be wrong with us?
Then she mentioned that the name WARRIOR?
Rasta has something to do with Why? A warrior is not carried away We need a culture and a mindset
living outside of the system of Bab- with what distracts others. Focus, shift
ylon and the influence of material discipline, purpose, vision and When a man or a people have
possessions. It was then it dawned drive are some of the hallmarks of found themselves and their purpos-
on me another aspect of why the warriors. And if we, as Afrikans, es, life stops being just a collection
Lord will have me carry dreads. I claim that we come from the lineage of random events and activities.
had never seen it from that perspec- of ancient warriors, and if truly Life starts becoming a series of
tive and to tell you the truth, my we want to change the course of coordinated events and activities
journey in life as both a servant of our future then we must take the that are expressions of purpose and
God and an Afrikan has been to live attributes and characters that make vision. Life stops being incidental
outside of the influence and control warriors. and starts to be purposeful and
of the system of Babylon. beautiful. This is exactly how to be
Where are Afrika's bests your best and how to create the best
It was a movement towards me Afrika is a womb that has birthed enabling environment for such best
being my best. great and mighty men and women to manifest.
who are doing great and awesome When are we as Afrikans going to
Are we really paying things all over the world and in dif- stop this wicked crab in the buck-
attention? ferent fields and spheres of life. But et syndrome where we pull down
Having seen and also known in with all these awesome people, why ourselves instead of helping each
2020 what can happen on earth is Afrika still backward? Is it that other rise?
with man, and the things he holds we have learnt over time to give our We really need to think fast and just
dear ,through the Covid-19 out- best to the world, while we grapple maybe we will catch up with the lost
break, it is ok to say many people to make ends meet here with the time.
should at least be a bit free from few best and the many other averag-