Page 18 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 18


          Gates and his wife Melinda.                                           “The Church stands opposed to the
          The Gates are known for their      nal John Njue, then-chairman of    imposition of limits on family size,
                                             the Kenya Episcopal conference,
          fanatical commitment to using      pointed out the obvious. “It is not   and to the promotion of methods
          their vast wealth and influence to                                    of limiting births which separate the
          blanket developing countries with   clear why such a large amount of   unitive and procreative dimensions
          contraceptives. In one truly bizarre   money is being used for contracep-  of marital intercourse,” he wrote,
          recent video, Bill Gates lauded    tives while many women are dying   “which are contrary to the moral
                                             daily due to lack of proper medical
          Mechai Viravaidya, who he calls the   care, food and housing,” he wrote.   law inscribed on the human heart,
          “condom king” of Thailand. Gates                                      or which constitute an assault on the
          recounts how Viravaidya once gave   “If such money or a portion of it   sacredness of life.”
          his dad a hat made from hundreds   was used to develop the underdevel-
          of condoms. (“He wore the cap at   oped parts of Kenya, the so-called   Neither should parents, the pope
                                             threatening population of 64 million
          our foundation’s annual meeting,   people in the year 2040 would be   emphasized, be pressured or co-
          earning big laughs from the staff,”                                   erced into having fewer children.
          said Gates.) Viravaidya is known for   too low.”                      Large families should be supported,
          and openly brags about aggressively                                   he urged. The Church’s approach
          pushing condoms on school-chil-    So much so-called international    to development emphasizes: 1)
                                             “aid” now takes it as self-evident
          dren by holding condom relay       that fertility and population are   the sanctity of life, since no devel-
          races and balloon-blowing contests                                    opment based upon the murder
          – something that Gates himself     intrinsically a threat to development.   of innocent human beings is true
          praises.                           This anti-natal attitude is strongly   development, and 2) the sanctity of
                                             repudiated by the Catholic Church,   the family, since an intact family is
                                             which recognizes human beings not
          Because nothing says authentic     as liabilities, but assets. This attitude   the most important foundation for a
          “development” like having innocent,                                   healthy, stable society.
          pre-pubescent school-children play   was expressed pithily by Pope St.
          with condoms. But this is the squa-  John Paul II in his encyclical Centes-  “It is necessary to go back to seeing
          lor and hubris that fuels the model   simus Annus, where he observed   the family as the sanctuary of life,”
                                             that, besides the earth’s material
          of development endorsed by people   resources, “man’s principal resource   wrote Pope St. John Paul II in
          like the Gates or Marie Stopes: they                                  Centessimus Annus. “The family
          know what is best for Africans.    is man himself” (¶32).             is indeed sacred: it is the place in
          And they are willing even to openly                                   which life – the gift of God – can
          flout the laws of the countries they   “[C]hildren must not be treated as a   be properly welcomed and protected
                                             burden or inconvenience but should
          operate in or hyper-sexualize their   be cherished as bearers of hope and   against the many attacks to which
          children in pursuit of their perni-                                   it is exposed and can develop in
          cious ideological colonization.    signs of promise for the future,”   accordance with what constitutes
                                             he wrote in that same encyclical.   authentic human growth. In the face
                                             “The care which is essential for their
          The Church’s Pro-Family Model      growth and nurture comes primarily   of the so-called Culture of Death,
          of  Development                    from their parents, but society must   the family is the heart of the Culture
          What is striking about Marie Stopes                                   of Life” (¶39).
          and the Gates Foundation is their   help by sustaining the family in its
          obsessive focus not on providing de-  needs and in its efforts to maintain   In a direct rebuke to the likes of the
          veloping nations with the necessities   the caring environment in which   Gates Foundation and Marie Stopes,
                                             children can develop” (¶49).
          of life or education needed for true                                  the sainted pope lamented: “Human
          economic development, but rather                                      ingenuity seems to be directed more
          on reducing their populations.     In a 1994 letter to the secretary gen-  towards limiting, suppressing or
          Kenyans need food, water, roads…   eral of the International Conference   destroying the sources of life – in-
          not abortion. If you want to help   on Population and Development,    cluding recourse to abortion, which
                                             Pope St. John Paul II noted that the
          women, give them maternal care!                                       unfortunately is so widespread in the
                                             Church is not necessarily against   world – than towards defending and
                                             equipping couples with the informa-
          In 2012, after the Gates Foundation                                   opening up the possibility of life.”
          announced that Kenya was among     tion they need to space births, but
          the countries targeted for their $4.6   that any methods of family regu-
                                             lation must respect the moral law.
          billion contraception push, Cardi-

          18      |   Heal . Restore . Rebirth .  Afrika
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