Page 42 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 42

          Art & Culture

          don to study medicine. So talented   to 20 months with over 350 court   minds from the half-truths and lies
          was he that he dropped out of the   appearances. Even though this came   that were taught in school during
          musical art college and was quickly   at a great personal cost for him and   history classes and those written in
          making an impactful presence in    his family, he never lost enthusi-  books.
          London.                            asm in laying the truth bare to his   Some of my favorite tracks from
          This is a call to parents and guard-  audience.                       Fela Kuti’s collection go by the
          ians that they should encourage                                       names ‘Gentleman’ and ‘Yellow
          their children to pursue whatever   Taking nothing away from him, this   Fever.’ Both of these tracks speak
          passion their talent compels them   is not a call to anyone to break Fela’s   about cultural identity. As for ‘Gen-
          to. We are living in a different time,    record in arrests and court appear-  tleman’ he sarcastically describes
          where not everybody can become     ances, but a call to seek courage in   how men have adopted European
          lawyers, doctors, pilots, engineers or   standing up for what is true, how-  suits and ties to make them feel
          politicians and so on and so forth.   ever uncomfortable it may be, for   good about themselves. On the
          The world needs entertainers and   your legacy depends on it. Felabra-  other hand, he uses ‘Yellow Fever’
          the likes too, as much as it needs the   tion is an annual musical festival   as an expression to describe and
          rest. Entertainers are still consid-  conceived in 1998 by Yeni Kuti in   decry the fashion among Nigerian
          ered professionals just like others.   celebration of her father Fela Kuti,   women for skin whitening creams.
          While education is important, kindly   and his timeless music that has   He strongly felt that skin whitening
          empower your children to follow    inspired many music artists in the   is an example of the post-colonial,
          their gut, just like Fela did. Some-  world that includes: Wycliffe Jean,   cultural inferiority-complex that is
          times high risk may translate to high   Wizkid, Jay-Z, Beyonce, Alicia Keys   holding back the country’s develop-
          rewards. In any case, Afrikans are   and Burna Boy. Today, Burna Boy’s   ment. From these performances, it
          hands down the majority of highly   musical journey is skyrocketing be-  is appropriate to deduce that Fela
          skilled and talented entertainers do-  cause his grandfather, who was once   Kuti was akin to his cultural iden-
          ing pretty well in the global arena.  Fela Kuti’s manager, passed valuable   tity and roots. He knew better than
                                             lessons that would make Burna Boy   most at the time that Afrikan culture
          2. Use your talent or platform to   thrive in this business. As a matter   is the richest in the world, and every
          revolutionize your legacy          of fact, Burna Boy, who is popularly   Afrikan should boast of a heritage
          I resolutely stand by the fact that it   known as the Afrikan Giant because   of royalty without adding or sub-
          is the sole responsibility of every   through his unique music genre of   tracting anything.
          musical artist, doctor, scientist,   Afro fusion, addresses the worldly
          engineer, poet, writer and many    lies and racial oppression meted   Sinmi ni agbara Fela Kuti!
          more to use their God-given talents   upon Afrikans. He was also at the
          in making Afrika a better place that   forefront of the EndSARS move-  The author is a mentor, trainer and writer bear-
          matches what our forefathers and   ment that condemned the brutality   ing adequate experiences in business development
          ourselves envision for generations to   enforced on its citizens by the Spe-  and brand management success.
          come. It is not a matter of lost caus-  cial Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) in
          es. Millions of people around the   Nigeria. In my experience, I would
          world are watching. You may never   flat out refer to Fela Kuti’s inspira-
          know who you are speaking to.      tion as mentorship.
          Fela Kuti, just like any normal
          human being, was not perfect, and   3. Find out and learn about your
          he had his own flaws. However, he   roots
          endured mountains of physical and   Fela Kuti took almost a year in Los
          emotional abuses all for what? So   Angeles to learn extensively about
          that you, me and every other Afri-  his roots, eventually adding meaning
          kan would appreciate his heritage   to his music. There cannot be any
          and progressively work on making   meaningful conversation in your
          the Afrikan continent a respected   life if you do not understand where
          powerhouse of diversified poten-   your Afrikan heritage began and
          tials. Fela was arrested on over 200   where it lies at the moment. On
          different occasions. He had the    this I have to be plain, that Afrikans
          longest most unfair jail terms of up   need to unlearn and decolonize their

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