Page 47 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 47

Re- Education

          thomas sankara

                         THE UPRIGHT MAN OF Burkina Faso

                                         By PD Lawton, UK.

                   homas Sankara, a man in   Upper Volta in 1983 was little more   National Council of the Revolution
                   his early thirties trans-  than a French run labor camp for   (CNR).
                   formed the world`s poor-  French run Cote D`Ivoire. This
          Test country at that time,         region of West Africa was up until   Two years later infant mortality
          Upper Volta, into a self-sufficient   the mid-1800`s part of the ancient   had dropped from 280 deaths for
          modern thinking nation in just four   Mossi Kingdom, and has always   every 1000 births to 145, with the
          years. This African miracle nation   been called `The Land of Upright   aid of Cuban volunteers and a mass
          remains little known about in the   Men`, men of integrity, hence the   vaccination program. School atten-
          West because its story contradicts   name Burkina Faso. Spiritually the   dance rose, in two years, from 12%
          every negative image that has ever   people of this region are of great   to 22%. In just the first year of its
          been painted of African leadership   significance and still to this day prac-  implementation, Sankara`s environ-
          and African nations. Sankara would   tice the world`s most ancient belief.  mental program to halt desertifi-
          prove to the people of Burkina                                        cation in this Sahel region, over 10
          Faso, to other African nations and   In the August Revolution, Sanka-  million trees were planted. Without
          to the colonial powers what could   ra and the military overthrew the   international aid which was not
          be achieved in the blink of an eye   CSP (Council for the Salvation of   forthcoming from the World Bank
          by Africans under African leaders of   the People) headed by conserva-  with which to improve infrastruc-
          integrity.                         tive Jean-Baptiste Quedraogo and   ture, Sankara and the population got
                                             formed a new government of the     down and dirty and with their bare

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 13 | JULY  2021         47
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