Page 46 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 46
Their children don’t bind and cast recorded slave ship to sail from beliefs about ourselves. For he who
their ancestral evil, rather it is the Liverpool. She set sail on 3 October sees himself as a slave or as cursed
Negro whose ancestors were dehu- 1699 and arrived in Barbados on should not expect himself to be a
manised and tortured and enslaved, 18 September 1700 with a cargo of bearer of blessings. It begins with
that keeps praying against “ancestral 220 enslaved Africans. Part owner the mind.
curses.” Sir Thomas Johnson is known as the
‘founder of modern Liverpool’. Mother Afrika now speaks
The Bank of England was also in- Don’t look down on me because I
volved in the slave trade. Sir Richard Liverpool city wouldn’t be what it is am Afrika. Yes I am Afrika and I
Neaves, who was the director of today without the trade in black Af- know it, but my Afrikanness is not a
the bank for 48 years, was also the ricans. The personal and civic wealth curse, but a gift. A gift of love and
chairman of the Society of West gained from slaving cemented the faithfulness to the entire world and
India Merchants. A group of vile foundations for the Liverpool’s the entire race of men. As Mother-
men who stole Africans and made future growth. land Afrika, my blackness is not a
handsome profits by selling them sign of backwardness or servitude
on to farmers who needed them The children and grandchildren and but the reality of the womb and the
to work in their sugar and tobacco great grand children of the perpe- back of a mother that has carried
plantations in the West Indies. trators of this monstrosity against the entire human race, nurtured it
the black Man enjoy heaven here with her pain, even when her milk
Today Liverpool Football club will on earth, and live in more stable is being exploited and her skin
be playing Tottenham Hotspur in environment. They have managed to ravaged.
the Barclay’s premier League. Pay stabilise their society and solve their Did you know it is only the Afrikan
attention. How many of you who problem and live in relative peace. woman who has the genetic ability
are Liverpool supporters today to give birth to every race and color
know that the initial founders of But the Negro ancestors, the in the world? It is called the Eve
that football club were retired slave wretched of the earth, who was Gene and she has been for more
traders, whom in 1892, with slavery kidnapped and his freedom force- than 200,000 years and she is the
outlawed, decided to invest their fully taken away from him; he was mother of all races and colors on
money in a football club that will sentenced to a plantation for the the earth. She is both modern and
reap future rewards for their gen- rest of his life. It is this ancestor an ancient.
erations to come via a bank called bed many others who is demonized So, when you look at me in my Afri-
Arthur Heywood and Sons & Co.. by Christians as having bequeathed kanness and when you look upon
That bank would be absorbed in their offsprings with “curses”. my cracked palms and feet, and
turn by the Bank of Liverpool, Mar- when you look upon my bent back,
tin’s Bank and Barclay’s Bank. This is a historical fact our African do not despise me, for I have been
brothers and sisters should be aware busy being a mother to you all and
You watch them and shout in of.” like every good mother who expects
ecstasy when they score. But a End of quote. the best from her children, it is time
pastor somewhere will tell you the for you all to rise up and by your
reason you’re poor is because your The Afrikan Renaissance good works of love, forgiveness,
ancestors committed evil, hence the I am not against the Bible, neither mindfulness prove that my labor of
reason you experience ill luck. And am I against Christianity or going to love is not in vain. For when a child
you will believe and start casting and Church, but I am definitely against of Afrika is killed anywhere in the
binding rubbish! mindsets that makes a person “heav- world, mother Afrika cries too, and
enly conscious but earthly useless”. her pain runs deep.
For your information, Liverpool was New things are beginning to emerge I have had my own share of 400
a major port for the transatlantic out of Afrika, even as more Afrikan years of slavery, both of body and
slave trade. Slave ships were often people, especially the young ones, of the mind. But no more shall
built or repaired in Liverpool. Near- take a more cursory look at the this continue, for it’s time to let my
ly one and a half million Africans many issues on ground and how to children go.
were forcibly transported across solve them. There is a lot to do but
the Atlantic in Liverpool ships. The we must begin with really defin- Afrika is BLESSED and not cursed.
‘Liverpool Merchant’ was the first ing the core of our thoughts and
46 | we tell the true afrikan story