Page 44 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 44


          BE. AS THEY STOP THINK-             Don’t look down on me because I am Afrika. Yes I am Af-
          ING ABOUT THEMSELVES SO              rika and I know it, but my Afrikanness is not a curse, but
                                                a gift. A gift of  love and faithfulness to the entire world
          Meaning that the problem of Afrika     and the entire race of  men. As Motherland Afrika, my
          is not a curse, either from God      blackness is not a sign of  backwardness or servitude, but
          the Creator, or from the Afrikan    the reality of  the womb and the back of  a mother that has
          forefathers, but a deep-seated case
          of self-hate, self-sabotaging acts by   carried the entire human race and nurtured it with her
          some few who are too greedy to see        pain, even when her milk is being exploited and
          and live for the greater good, lack                          her skin ravaged.
          of self-worth, which stems from
          mental devaluation, Afrikan disunity,
          which stems from the false bor-    about it. Could a CURSE really be   the Bible or the reality of the Christ,
          ders which created false sovereign   at work? Could there be an anger   but a closer look shows a deeper
          nations (which are really not sov-  from God that has spread from     understanding of the issues of the
          ereign when put at par with global   the Afrikan forefathers up until   Afrikan people. In one statement,
          policy-making) and then the many   now and which is still ravaging the   I will put it as “WE JUST DON”T
          other things that have put down    Afrikan people? Or could it be there   LOVE BEING AFRIKANS.”
          the Afrikan people to the level of   is actually a planned agenda to put
          servants and not kings.            a veil of foolishness on the faces of   Below is what the author wrote:
                                             Afrikans, which creates a blindfold   “Do you want to know what a scam
          And like someone said, “As long as   by which they cannot see themselves   is?
          Africa remains divided, as long as we   as God intended ,and which is also
          are forced to compete for foreign capital   not allowing them break free from    A scam is having the Bible trans-
                                                                                lated into Swahili, Igbo, Yoruba,
                                             the mental cages within? I think the
          and to accept economic ties to foreign   latter is the case.          Zulu, Tswana, Ndebele and every
          powers because in our separate entities                               other African language, but having
          we are too small, weak and unviable to   For, if the claim that life began in   zero scientific book translated into
          ‘go it alone’, we’ll be unable to break   Afrika with Afrikans, as proven by   a single African language. That, is
          the economic pattern of  exploitation.”   Afrikan folklore, science and the   a conspiracy. That, is a trap. And
                                             Bible, which most Afrikans believe   that, is a scam. Someone who can be
          It looks as if the preaching of an   in is true - and it is, then to whom   scammed with the same trick over
          Afrika that is laden with wrong    did God speak when He said:        and over again for decades upon
          mindsets and negative thinking     “Then God blessed them, and God said   decades, is considered a fool and
          patterns has been overflogged for   to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the   their gullibility and lack of critical
          decades by those who got conscious   earth and subdue it; have dominion over   thinking make them willing partici-
          early on about the many scams      the fish of  the sea, over the birds of  the   pants in their own demise.
          targeted at Afrikans; but I do not   air, and over every living thing that moves
          think much has changed up to now.   on the earth.”?                   I have walked into different libraries
          But now, more Afrikans are begin-  To the very Afrikans who are the   and I’ve seen University Science
          ning to wake up to the reality of   beginning of mankind on earth.    Books translated into Chinese, Rus-
          how the world works and how the    Meaning that the narrative of an   sian, Portuguese, French, German,
          entire system of the world is set up   Afrika that is cursed in nonsense.  Spanish and so forth. I’ve seen,
          to only accommodate Afrika as the                                     Think And Grow Rich by Napolean
          bread basket of the world, but as a   The Scam                        Hill translated into French. I’ve seen
          slave who is only allowed to eat the   I recently found a post on a   the Japanese version of A Man’s
          crumbs that fall from the table of   Whatsapp group I belonged to     Search For Meaning. I’ve seen a
          the very bread she supplied.       which dealt with, to some extent,   Spanish version of The Alchemist.
                                             the issue of the Afrikan people. On   I’ve seen the Korean version of The
          Sadly, this reality has been in place   the surface, some parts of the post   Art of War. All of these books, I’ve
          for generation upon generation, and   seemed blasphemous or like some   seen them in various languages but
          no one seems to know what to do    kind of attack against the God of   NOT in any African language.

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