Page 45 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 45
You will never find a church in Christians they pay tithes, stay up all the British elite publicly denounce
Africa where the English speaking night, fast and pray to destroy the slavery.
preacher would not have a native African ancestor in the name of Je-
translator next to them doing the sus. The black ancestor is so wicked Isn’t it time to emancipate yourself
translation. he cursed his own kids. from mental slavery oh ye Negro?
Here’s where the scam comes in: If ancestral curse exists, who should
you also will never find a school in Having cursed his ancestor who suffer from it? The ancestor who
Africa where the English speaking gave him life, the black man is kidnapped and raped and murdered
teacher WILL be having a native roaming around the world like a and pillaged and stole and enslaved
translator next to them translating tortoise without a shell. He has no his fellow man, or the man whose
Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, backbone. Zero identity. Thus no freedom was taken from him?
Geography, Economics etc to the race respects him. He’s lynched in Surely, the man who threw pregnant
students. Malaysia, incarcerated in Cambodia. Negro women to sharks at Sea be-
He’s shot like a dog in the streets of cause they were too weak, deserves
I’ve seen many Science Books America. In Europe, he cleans the his future generations to suffer and
translated into various languages white man’s shit. And they spit on not the man whose society was so
but NONE in any African language. him. Why won’t they? A man who pure they had no prisons to punish
The Chinese are taught Mathematics hates himself and despises his roots offenders.
in Chinese. The Japanese are taught deserves no respect whatsoever.
Engineering in Japanese. They’re all Do these Black Africans who will go
taught Finance, Astrophysics, Med- John Hawkins was a foremost to church today binding and casting
icine, Accounting, Geology, Man- English slave trader, a thief, and by “ancestral curses”, know that almost
agement, Government and so on in contemporary moral standards he all the top British politicians from
their languages. The ONLY book can as well be called a terrorist. John the 17th century till the 19th century
that Africans have in their language Hawkins made three trips to West were proud slave merchants? It is on
IS THE BIBLE. And the ONLY Africa in the 1560s, and stole Afri- record that 15 Lord Mayors of Lon-
time Africans have something trans- cans whom he sold to the Spanish in don, 25 sheriffs and 38 aldermen
lated to them in their language IS IN America. On returning to England of the City of London were share-
A CHURCH. after the first trip, his profit was so holders in the Royal Africa Com-
handsome that Queen Elizabeth I pany (RAC) between 1660-1690.
*Important Historical Facts* became interested in directly partic- The RAC alone was responsible for
ipating in his next venture; and she trafficking over 1.5million Negroes
_THINK SERIOUSLY ABOUT provided for that purpose a ship to Britain and twice that number to
THIS_ named JESUS. Hawkins left with the Caribbean.
JESUS to steal some more Africans,
The Black African, the wretched of and he returned to England with David and Alexander Barclay were
the earth, is the only member of the such dividends that Queen Eliza- active participants in the kidnap-
human race who has been brain- beth made him a knight. Hawkins ping and enslavement of millions
washed to think that his ancestors chose as his coat of arms the repre- of black Africans. As was standard
bequeathed him with a curse that sentation of an African in chains. practice at the time, the risky and
has prevented him from attaining as- long-term nature of transatlantic
pired goals and life desires. Almost Today the generations of Hawkins slave trading required new banking
every misfortune he encounters on and Queen Elizabeth I are alive and houses that could offer credits to
earth is the fault of some ances- enjoying life from the proceeds of prospective slave traders, for periods
tors... who must be bound and cast their Evil ancestors. They don’t de- of between one and a half to three
with the fire of the Holy Ghost in monise their ancestors despite their years. One bank that provided
the name of Jesus. active involvement in the greatest this service was run by Alexander
evil humanity has ever witnessed. and David Barclay. Their bank still
The white people don’t have terrible Both individuals sanctioned rape, carries their name. The Barclay’s
ancestors who have done terri- kidnapping and mass murder, but Bank is also a proud sponsor of the
ble things. No. It’s only the black their children don’t bear “ancestral English Premier league that me and
ancestor. Over the years, the black curses” like black Africans. You’d you are fanatical fans of Chelsea and
ancestor has been so vilified by be hard pressed to see a member of Arsenal and Man United today.