Page 50 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 50


          so we should not pay it. The debt,
          moreover, is linked to the machinery   Our country produces
          of neo-colonialism, the colonizers
          became technical assistants, I would   enough to feed us all. We
          call them technical assassins, and   can even produce more
          they suggested, recommended to       than we need. Unfortu-
          us the financiers, they told us about
          the financial advantages. That is why   nately for lack of  organi-
          we indebted ourselves for decades   zation we still need to beg
          and renounced the satisfaction     for food aid. This type of
          of our people`s needs. In today`s
          shape, controlled and dominated    assistance is counter-pro-
          by imperialism, the foreign debt     ductive and has kept us
          is a well-organized tool of colo-  thinking that we can only
          nial re-conquest: in order to make
          the African economy a slave of     be beggars who need aid.
          those who were so clever as to give
          us capital with the obligation of
          reimbursing them. We are asked to
          reimburse our debt. But if we do   corporations, refused to hear him
          not pay, the capital lenders will not   and just as he knew would happen
          die, if we pay, we will die. We cannot   if they did not back him in unison,
          pay, and we don`t want to pay. We   Sankara was not present at the fol-
          are not responsible for the debt bur-  lowing year`s OAU summit.
          den. We have already paid a lot of
          the debt. We are asked to co-operate   Back in Burkina Faso with French
          in researching balance mechanisms,   Intelligence and the Foccart busi-
          balance in favour of those who own   ness network behind them, Blaise
          the financial institutions and use   Compaore began agitating, telling
          the power against the peoples. We   people that Sankara was holding
          cannot be accomplices.             back from them the prosperity on
          The Paris Club is there, let`s create   offer. Compaore and his top military
          the Addis Ababa Club for cancelling   men assassinated Thomas Sankara
          our foreign debt. Our Club should   on the 15 October 1987.
          say-our debt will not be paid. Don`t
          think it is a proposal made only by   “In a way, great men enlighten
          young people like us. Mrs Brunt-   people, enlighten their time long
          land said African countries cannot   after they`ve gone; and I say after
          pay, as did Mr Mitterrand and Fidel   their death because its when you`ve
          Castro…we should explain in other   lost something that you become
          conferences that we cannot pay. We   aware of its true value. Sankara has
          must be united, otherwise, individ-  become a moral and spiritual refer-
          ually we will be murdered. Avoiding   ence for us all.” Source: Jean-Hu-
          debt repayment is a condition which   bert Bazie from Robin Shuffield`s
          will allow us to free resources for   documentary.
          our development.”
          Source: Asad Ismi, `Impoverishing a   Main Source: documentary on You-
          Continent: The World Bank and the   Tube, a film by Robin Shuffield,
          IMF in Africa`,2004, pdf.          `Thomas Sankara, The Up-
                                             right Man`
          The assembled “open unpatriotic
          sons of Africa”, bought and paid
          for by foreign powers and their

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