Page 101 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 101


          dreams are and then refuse to      good for the common man.  She
          start small, you will never start.  was of the opinion that the ban
          Someone      said   opportunity    gives Kenyans the much need-
          comes dressed in problems  or      ed opportunity to create a strong
          work. This is true. And because    and thriving textile and clothing
          we live in Afrika, a society that   industry through which Kenyans
          has been programmed  to be         can be employed, coupled with
          dependent  on handouts and         the joy that comes with being
          foreign aid for decades, we see    a self-sustaining  creative peo-
          our problems as issues that Chi-   ple.  That Afrikan  governments    much it is to even  bring  those
          na and America need to help us     should be pushing for their peo-   clothes to  Afrika not to talk of
          solve, instead of as opportuni-    ple to have the best quality pos-  the risk of wearing them. Why?
          ties for our self-growth and our   sible. The argument of the oth-    You can never tell what disease
          self-sustainability.               er guys may make some sense        or sickness the last wearer had
          We  as  Afrikans must  not  con-   to the "common man" as they        before it was shipped to Afrika.
          tinue this way. There are lots of   claim, but my thought in the en-  In the line of accurate thinking,
          Afrikans already creating plat-    tire matter was this, how can a    that alone should  make every
          forms in various sectors to help   people  subject  themselves  to    Afrikan nation ban the importa-
          the  Afrikan narrative; we must    being  called "common" after       tion of second hand clothes.
          help such to stand.                how many years of being an in-
          And for you who is still procras-  dependent  nation? The answer      Can we really change
          tinating concerning that  which    is simple, they simply reason      It is not a question begging for
          you have been given, thinking      along the lines of what matters    an answer, but a question whose
          you are not good enough or you     the most to them, which  is to     answer is yes even before it was
          don't have enough resources,       supposedly  wear "high quali-      asked. Change is a certainty
          stop being in awe of the prob-     ty" clothes imported from either   for anyone who really wants to
          lem and start using the little you   the US or China and at cheaper   make a difference so badly that
          have to create the solution.       prices.                            he or she won’t sleep until it is
          Afrika belongs to us all, it is our                                   done.  Afrikans must live  within
          duty to raise her up."             I do not necessarily  blame the    the simplicity of what really mat-
          Opportunity comes and goes all     guys that are rooting for the re-  ters and not just what anyone
          the time, but I think how we use   moval of the ban on second hand    pushes on their tables.
          it is directly connected  to what   clothes, the situation on ground   You may say that continuing
          we really see as  important ac-    is always more complex like it     the importation of second hand
          cording to our general mindset.    is shown on TV or on the news.     clothes looks like a simple life to
          My wife showed me a Facebook       Having said that,  my  question    live. But it simply shows you do
          conversation  she was having       still is this, when will  Afrikans   not understand what it means to
          with people in a  thread about     create a sustainable society,      live simple. To live simple simply
          the Government of Kenya ban-       economy, commerce, livelihood      means to live within  the origi-
          ning the importation of second     etc that are devoid of the con-    nal beauty, creative essence of
          hand clothes into the country. It   trol of the white man? Because    yourself whether you have mon-
          was quite an interesting conver-   if you subject the whole second    ey or not. It is the ability to cre-
          sation and one which instantly     hand clothes business to health    ate what you need with the very
          shows you the mind some peo-       scrutiny,  you  will  find  out  how   resources you have. Simple!
          ple have about themselves and
          their scope of understanding.
          While she was of the opinion
          that the ban on the importation
          of second  and clothes  was a
          good decision by the govern-
          ment, others almost picked up a
          fight with her, giving all manner
          of reasons why the ban was not

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