Page 99 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 99
curse or label it a hereditary a blind man help another blind The phrase "Know thyself" cuts
or genetic disease, yet it's man cross a road? But oh, wait! into every sphere of life. It's the
you repeating learned dietary One is professionally blind. reason I'm not panicking over
mistakes. 9/10 of us are eating Conundrum. the current 'pandemic' and the
trash on a regular basis, and Staying healthy is your respon- reason I'm not waiting on any
so 9/10 of us will get lifestyle sibility. Taking care of your body cure or vaccine. Especially not
diseases. These 9/10 are the is the cure for all diseases, be- from a people that have done
same people wearing masks fore they even happen. All you nothing but pillage and plunder,
everywhere, obsessively san- need to do is change your diet destroy and steal from my an-
itizing their hands, but going to what your ancestors ate and cestors. I know that these pred-
home in the evening to destroy obey the cosmic arrangement ators are infants when it comes
their immune systems with that was set in place before you to grasping the workings of the
carefully prepared food, that is were born. Isn’t it funny that you universe. That they understand
actually not as beneficial as one need a personal doctor, yet the very little about health. I there-
may think. Conundrum. elephant in the wild does not fore cannot and will not follow
Most diseases are the result need a vet? Why? The baby their misunderstanding, for I
of an intelligent response by elephant eats what poppa and have something far greater: the
our bodies to the abuse that momma elephant were eating. wisdom of God as used by my
they’re being subjected to. Most Baby elephant does not think ancestors.
symptoms are alarms they raise it's any smarter than its par-
to say, “Enough is enough!” ents because it went to an Ivy
and to announce to us that League school. Neither does it
they need to heal. But due to care for 'modernism' or Europe-
mis-education you have been an beliefs. Neither does it need
programmed to rush to doctors a vaccine of any sort in order
to give you chemicals that shut to lead a healthy life. This was
the alarms off and that allow the same for our ancestors,
you to continue abusing your who understood the essence
body. This approach does not of obeying the cosmic arrange-
deal with cause, but rather with ment followed by those before
consequence. Conundrum. them. They understood that the
Doctors deal with symptoms right food is that which is spiri-
and so much so that they give tual. They also understood that
you chemicals (drugs) for each for every disease, nature (God)
one. Funny enough, some- provides a herb for it. But the
times the side effects of these European lied to us that their "Maagu Karuri is a software developer
drugs are worse than the actual chemicals are superior to our with a passion for Afrika. He considers
dis-eases! The doctors make plants, yet most of their drugs himself a student of Afrikan culture,
you comfortable enough such are based on plant extracts. Yet firmly believing that true emancipation
that you can leave happy, but with all their drugs, diseases only comes when one practices their
come back again to repeat the are on the rise, with new ones own culture. He is constantly re-
same cycle of indiscipline. More popping up every day. Conun- searching different aspects of day-to-
money for them, more drugs drum! day in order to obtain a holistic Afrikan
for you and more death to your Afrika will remain lost as long as mind."
immune system. As they say, it doesn't understand its past.
"A cured patient is a lost cus-
tomer." It's pure business and
you can't really blame them.
Actually, most of them are not
bad people. They're just doing
what they were trained to do.
Just like you, they are victims
of European culture. How can heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 99