Page 95 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 95


                                                                                            GREEN HANDS

                         IMPLEMENTING FARMING GOD'S

                                                             WAY ON THE LAND-

                                                                  THE TECHNOLOGY

                                                                         Nicholas Munyororo

                   oday, we are going  to    or stick  pegs,  hoes, measuring   the slope  on the contour.  This
                   describe how to imple-    cups 350ml, measuring  sticks      should be established 90 de-
                   ment farming God’s        - 60cm and  75cm, manure  or       grees off the existing boundary
          TWay technology practi-            compost or anthill soil, seed,     fence or road. Place the 2 per-
          cally on your farm. We can say     teaspoons, and tablespoons.        manent pegs at  the top of  the
          that we are going to the shamba    Land Preparation                   field  at  the  first  and  last  teren
          (garden) so get your gum boots     You need to start preparing the    rope markers.  Establish a per-
          and dress appropriately  for  a    land at  least  2 months before      fect right angle with a sheet of
          hard  day’s work on the farm.      the start of the planting season.   paper  and run a down  slope
          We should remember to carry        Start small and do everything to   rope off this for the coming rows.
          the following tools as we go: A    a high standard. Let the avail-
          teren rope, which is a measur-     able inputs determine the  land
          ing rope used to ensure high       to prepare and not the other way   DIGGING PLANTING HOLES
          standards  of plant population     round. Do not plough  the land.    FOR MAIZE
          density. Select a long  rope, up   If  land is full of weeds, simply   The spacing for maize planting
          to 50 metres, non-stretch, hardy   hoe them down at ground level      station should be 60cm in rows
          rope made of either nylon, cable   and  leave  them to be used  as    which  should be 75cm apart
          or woven sisal rope. Cut a 60 cm   Gods blanket(mulch).If the land    as shown  above. The width  of
          stick with which to measure the    is virgin and previously unused,   the hole should be the width
          marker position on the rope. Tie   simply remove the tree stumps,     of  the hoe about 12 cm.  Hole
          loops on each end of the teren     level the land and clear it out. Do   depth should be 15cm when us-
          rope, peg it on one side, pull the   not burn the brush or leaves as   ing organic inputs like manure,
          rope tight and peg it again  on    you can use them as Gods blan-     compost or anthill soil. The hole
          the other end.  Then attach the    ket (mulch).                       must be dug such that the soil
          markers by crimping bottle tops    The next thing to do is to estab-  heap goes down slope.
          or tying short strips of plastic on   lish  a permanent base  line on
          to the repeat exactly 60cm inter-  the land.                          After completing one row of
          vals. Other tools and things re-   Starting  at  the  top  of  the  field,   holes the  60 cm  teren rope is
          quired are 4 permanent wooden      place a 60cm teren rope across     moved downwards by 75cm.

                                           heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    95
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