Page 98 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 98


               A Return to Afrikan Health

                                                Maagu Karuri

                       ne major reason       prostate cancer etc. You name      But what is healthy food? We
                       we need to go         it. All these diseases narrow      have sadly been mis-educated
                       back to our culture,   down primarily to diet and en-    on this, so Afrika has been mis-
                       is to understand      vironment. As the saying goes,     led into embracing a fake nutri-
         Ohow we viewed                      "Let food be thy medicine, and     tion guide, based on European
          health, how we kept ourselves      medicine be thy food." But         culture. One that says that sec-
          from dis-ease, and how we          what food is healthy for us?       ond hand proteins are healthy
          dealt with dis-ease when we got    Only that which was made by        for you and prescribes certain
          it.                                nature. That which was made        dietary norms, which are based
          In the Afrikan understanding,      by God. Dr. Sebi taught us that    on European beliefs. Those of
          your body is not designed to       dis-ease cannot survive in an      us who try to change to a more
          be sick. It’s built to live long   alkaline environment; that we      healthy diet do so without the
          and be healthy. It is also high-   have electric bodies, which de-    compass of our culture, and so
          ly intelligent, because it has     mands that we only eat electric    we often get ourselves into a
          undergone eons improving itself    food. He told us repeatedly that   worse position eating artificial
          and making itself more robust.     unnatural food is mucus-form-      or GMO food, processed foods,
          The user of the body is the one    ing. He said that ungodly foods    etc. Most vegans and vegetar-
          that, through mis-education and    are harmful to us because they     ians are really starch-arians,
          loss of culture, mixed with lack   create an acidic environment in    and they end up suffering the
          of self-control, does more harm    our bodies, and acidic environ-    same issues that everyone else
          than good to this vessel.          ments are the breeding grounds     is suffering such as diabetes,
          All diseases are lifestyle dis-    for dis-ease. Our bodies are not   hypertension, obesity, etc. Co-
          eases. This classification of      stupid. They were not designed     nundrum.
          "lifestyle diseases" is not lim-   to be sick. On the contrary,       You serve trash for supper and
          ited to diabetes, hypertension     they are intelligent and robust.   make a prayer asking God to
          and obesity. No! Everything        Our bodies naturally fight off     bless it. God looks at you in a
          from cancer to fibroids, skin      dis-ease provided we give          confused manner, knowing you
          problems, autism disorders,        them proper nutrition based on     will very soon be running to a
          depression, anemia, lupus,         healthy food.                      doctor. You call it a generational
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