Page 97 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 97


          dants.. When you  are ready  to    protective covering on top of the   Gapping
          plant  and  have  had  sufficient   ground made up leaves, twigs,     Sometimes guinea  fowl, chick-
          rainfall, take the amount of maize   fruit and decaying  grasses.     ens or rats dig out the seed
          seed you can plant at one time     These lie  on top of the ground    causing  fairly large  empty
          and presoak it for up to 6 hours   gradually  decomposing  over       spaces, which we can cor-
          to allow the seed to take up wa-   many years. We call this mulch,    rect by gapping.  This is done
          ter  and swell. Looking up the     God’s Blanket!!! It  protects the   shortly after  emergence.  Take
          slope, place 3 seeds per plant-    soil from erosion, allows for deep   the amount  of maize  seed  you
          ing station neatly in the row, one   penetration of rainfall, conserva-  need and presoak it for 6 hours
          on the left, one in the middle and   tion of moisture, improves fertil-  to allow it to take up water and
          one the right. 3 seeds per hole is   ity, crops have improved drought   swell. Push the seeds down to 5
          66,666 seeds planted per hect-     tolerance and an ideal growing     cm or matchbox length in exist-
          are.  The seeds  are planted  at   environment,  amongst many         ing holes and close them over.
          5cm or a matchbox depth from       other advantages. All this leads   Gapping fills any empty spaces
          the ground level. If the hole is too   to significantly improved yields.   in  your  field  and  reinforces  the
          full of soil then simply press the   We need to be aiming for 100%    “minimal wastage” principle  of
          seed to the required depth from    and more cover in our fields and   Farming God's Way. Note: Gap-
          the ground level with your finger.   although it may take you a few   ping  of maize is used when
          When planting  in organic  input   years to get there, do this with   you have empty areas of a few
          holes with manure, compost or      all your heart.                    square metres and not when 1
          anthill, the seeds should be put   In the beginning your only plant   hole is empty.
          2 inches away from the topside     material available  for God’s      All this is to be done to the high-
          of the holes, as that is the deep-  Blanket is weeds and old crop     est standard  so that the narra-
          est part of the 15 cm hole where   residues. Do whatever you can      tive of failure and poverty in Af-
          most nutrients are found. When     to increase your blanket cover-    rika starts to be countered with
          planting beans, place the bean     age by  cutting grasses or  ba-    success and ability, sustain the
          seed at 10 cm intervals  along     nana  leaves,  carrying  in forest   community and progress. In the
          the row. These are all part of the   mulch or even collecting your    next issue  we shall  continue
          standards that are going to give   neighbor’s crop residues before    looking  at more technological
          God glory in our fields.           they get burnt. Cover the whole    keys of Farming Gods way in
                                             field evenly – yes even over the   area of weeding and we shall
          Covering                           holes. The seeds will germinate    also look at reasons why we do
          Cover with fine, loose soil from   right through the blanket so       the how. God bless you and God
          the soil heap, making sure that    don’t fear. Only with small seed-  bless Afrika.
          you don’t  cover  with stones,     ed crops should you take care to
          heavy clods or  God’s  Blanket.    leave  a narrow  space  over the
          All of  these can result in  poor   seed rows to allow  for easier    Source material: Farming God’s
          germination rates  and uneven      germination. God’s Blanket is so   Way Trainer’s Reference Guide.
          stands, so take good care at this   important it cannot be empha-     Dryden, G.W., 2009.
          point. Cover evenly with no de-    sized enough. We need to see
          pressions. These  depressions      God’s Blanket as the treasure of
          can cause problems as pools of     the soil, guard it and build it up.
          water develop here after heavy     Emergence
          rains and seedlings will get dis-    After approximately  10 days
          eases such as damping  off as      the  seedlings  emerge through
          their stems will be right in the   God’s Blanket. Seedlings  may
          water.                             emerge  slightly slower  through
                                             God’s Blanket due to cooler soil
          Applying God’s Blanket             temperatures,  but don’t  panic
           If you go to Gods garden, which   they soon catch up and  over-
          is anywhere where there is no      take  seedlings  in  fields  where
          intervention  by man, you will     the blanket is not present.
          see that He in His wisdom puts a

                                           heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    97
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