Page 100 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 100




                                                               Know what really matters

                                                                               Samuel Phillips

                         e certainly live in   to  what  value they add and at   of the tallest building in the city
                         an ever chang-      each point in time they add such   to make a difference.  Instantly,
                         ing   world.   A    value. And that nothing really is   Afrika became beautiful for any-
                         world  that has     important, if it doesn't serve the   one to live  in safety and  work-
          Wno                   apologies    safety and the protection of life.  ing at  home suddenly became
          whatsoever  for anyone  caught     Meaning that all that man loves    a brave thing to do. Talk about
          up in its massive web. It  is a    and chases after is subject  to    how times change and how sea-
          beautiful  world  but with  intrica-  time, season and opportunity.   son makes us stop to think. But
          cies that often times amaze or                                        are we actually thinking?
          even cripple many.  Knowing        Time and Season
          how to  navigate this world in     There are ever new opportuni-      The Pain of Lost
          one piece will need a deeper       ties for every  person on earth    opportunity
          understanding  of  what makes      to  make accurate choices  con-    Recently, I posted an  Afrikan
          for one's peace. Simply put, not   cerning their lives and their pur-  Proverb  on Facebook  with an
          everything that passes our gaze    pose on earth. For instance, the   accompanying      interpretation.
          is worth the attention we give it.   outbreak of the Covid-19 almost   Here is the post:
          We just need to know and mind      in an instant, created a delinea-  IF   YOU    CONSIDER       THE
          what really matters, among the     tion between  what is really  im-  LENGTH OF  A SNAKE,  YOU
          many things that come our way      portant and what men count as      WILL NOT  FIND THE STICK
          daily.                             important. I  see it  as  a perfect   GOOD ENOUGH TO KILL IT.
                                             opportunity  for change, espe-
          Thinking about this outbreak of    cially for  Afrikans. Instantly, it   Below is the interpretation I used
          Covid-19, who would ever know      became clear that one does not     in the post:
          that face masks, sanitizers,       have to be in church on Sun-       "This simply means that, if you
          hand washes etc will suddenly      day or mosque on Friday to be      put all your energy in being in
          be more important commodities      spiritual. One does not have to    awe  of how  big  and  complex
          to buy than oil? Think about that   travel to supposed exotic places   your problem is, you will not have
          for  a moment.  And what  that     around the world to have a good    the energy and the will power to
          tells me is that, things and their   time. One does not have to be    think through the solution. Also,
          acquisition are  quite subjective   in a huge office on the top floor   if you only consider how big your

          100   |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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