Page 94 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 6
P. 94
and also the concept of spiritual low anyone insult her because Him because He asked them
fatherhood. I find that quite ab- she worked for her leadership to follow Him, of those who fol-
surd and twisted. Just maybe I position, having spent fifty mil- lowed just so they could have
really don't see things the way lion shillings during her election what to nail Him for, of those
most people see them. And I am campaign. I looked at her re- who followed Him because fish
very fine with not being popular, sponse and then it made sense and bread would be served, of
especially if that popularity has why nothing gets done in Afrika. those who followed because in
nothing to do with God's destina- A fool comes into a leadership their hearts they saw something
tion for me or if it is about bow- role simply because he or she different about Him. But in all
ing down to god-fatherism and has money to spend and when these groups of people following
the band-wagonism that comes asked how he or she is leading Him, He refused to see Himself
with it in the name of honor. I by the same people they claim as more than a servant of those
was done with such many years they are leading, they explode whom God the Father brought
ago. and quickly tell their followers to Him, irrespective of what their
Leadership like many other how much above questioning motives may have been. In His
things in our society has be- they have become. That's the words, He showed us His mind-
come a tool for manipulation kind of leadership someone set about leadership. He says
and people control. I believe in wants me to follow? Absolute “You know that the rulers of the
leadership, but from the place of nonsense. Gentiles lord it over them, and
leaders who are true servants. those who are great exercise
For me, a leader is one who, Leadership is a heart thing authority over them. Yet it shall
by wisdom, sees the incoming I have often questioned some not be so among you; but who-
generation, having conformed things I see or read in the news. ever desires to become great
to God's will for his own life, For instance, you hear a nation's among you, let him be your ser-
prepares the platform for their opposition leader make threats vant. And whoever desires to be
arrival, using the principles that that if he is not elected into of- first among you, let him be your
will work for their unique genera- fice, there will be no peace in the slave— just as the Son of Man
tion without necessarily making nation. In my mind I am thinking, did not come to be served, but to
them follow behind him. He sees if this is your mind about what will serve, and to give His life a ran-
them as those coming ahead of happen if you are not elected, som for many.” Mathew 20:25-
him and not as those following then what heart really are you 28
behind. My own definition. contesting with? I mean, carriers
of such hearts are not supposed Heart or head leader, which
What really is the noise about to be in government, or any are you?
followership? leadership position, they should Obviously you can tell the differ-
It seems people just take joy in be in prison. They are danger- ence between a leader by heart
having fools follow them about. ous. Leadership is supposed to and a leader by head. Good
Some leaders love followers be about the passionate heart- hearted leaders don't wait for
that follow them like sheep with beat of a person towards the anyone to follow them before
no brains. They love those that emancipation of the people he their lives make difference in the
don't question their choices and loves and by that passion, gets lives of those watching them.
decisions, as if leadership is into a position that will help his Good hearted leaders may
about brainless people following people get to that emancipation. never be seen or known by the
a big headed human who knows But when it becomes one of war masses, but you can't take away
how to lord his unthinking mind and bloodshed, then the ques- their effect in the community or
on others. I remember reading a tion will be "For whom are you corporation they are a part of.
conversation on Twitter between taking up a leadership position?" The fragrance of their heart al-
a Kenyan guy and a Kenyan ways precedes them.
woman leader. The guy had said The servant leader The question is this, which lead-
something about her foreign The life of Jesus was that of a er are you?
medical treatment or so and that remarkable leadership skill.
got her infuriated. Trying to rep- His leadership style comprised
rimand the guy, she made men- of those who followed Him like
tion of the fact that she can't al- sheep, of those who followed
94 | heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika