Page 106 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 106
bol of wisdom and the regret of ders, not because they are wise, fact that we are beginning to see
wasted years is real. but because they have money. and hear more people take the
Wisdom has been brought over responsibility for a better Afri-
In Afrika, old age is synonymous to the kingdom of foolishness, kan narrative, but the question
with wisdom. And that's why an and the elders who can afford is this, what really is the foun-
Afrikan proverb says that "When to sell their souls are now the dation of this whole protest and
a child washes his hands clean, gatekeepers who are allowing what is the vision or goal we are
he will be permitted to eat with foolishness into the home of trying to achieve through it? I will
the elders". This proverb may wisdom. leave you with those questions.
mean several things to several
cultures in Afrika but generally it And so, the Afrikan way of truth A wise son
means that when a child begins was corrupted and now Afrikans Of Jesus it is written thus,
to manifest wisdom, then he is grope in the dark, reaching out " And it happened, as He spoke
given the chance to speak in the to anything that pays, while ne- these things, that a certain wom-
midst of the elders. glecting the wisdom that says an from the crowd raised her
that he who beats the devil's voice and said to Him, “Blessed
I grew up in Afrika knowing this drum will dance the dance of is the womb that bore You, and
proverb and the potency of its death. the breasts which nursed You!”
meaning. It made a whole lot (Luke 11:27)
of sense to me back then that I see old politicians in our Afri- This story talks about Jesus
someday I too was going to be kan nations making policies, sharing some revelational words
called an elder, because some- decisions, choices that lack wis- of wisdom to the crowd and a
how I always found myself dom and for which the genera- woman among them made the
among older men. In fact, I bare- tion next will suffer. Wisdom was above statement. Now imagine
ly have friends my own age. But supposed to be found in the bo- yourself as a young Afrikan man
over the years in the same Afri- som of the elders, but in the dis- speaking on TV, or a radio show,
ka, and even as we stepped into pensation that we find ourselves or the street, in a conference, or
the internet age, things started in, foolishness and the worship wherever else you are speaking,
changing. Life was changing. of money and gain have taken will men be able to listen to your
The act of honor and respect over, to the detriment of the words and proclaim that Afrika
for elders started changing. beauty called Motherland Afrika. the Motherland is blessed for
People to people interactions having you? Please think about
started changing to silence over A new generation of wise sons this critically.
phones. Friendships started be- God, nature, the universe does
coming numbers and photos on not wait for anyone. If the gener- As Afrikans, we must begin to
Facebook and Instagram. They ation of wise men that we have shift our hearts away from just
say truth should be found in now have decided to sell their ourselves alone or our immedi-
the mouths of elders, but right Afrikan lot for money and that ate families and to start to think,
before my eyes, I could see el- which nourishes the body and speak and act Afrika, while cre-
ders dancing in lies, speaking not the soul, then there must ating a new culture that upholds
with forked tongues like snakes arise a new generation of young love, compassion, brotherhood,
and wisdom started to fade people who know what it means Ubuntu instead of the self-hate
into oblivion. Wisdom started to be wise and by that knowl- that we have for ourselves.
to become what we merely talk edge will create a new pathway For the truth is, let’s say for ex-
about but not what we manifest. of truth, justice, equity, balance, ample the white race suddenly
I started seeing that the elders honesty, love, kindness, com- disappeared from our world
who were supposed to be the passion and brotherliness that completely, do we have the mor-
carriers and custodians of wis- will secure for us a future in Afri- al and inner strength to uphold
dom were beginning to manifest ka. I watched the protests going a new and unified Afrikan Black
foolishness. Foolishness started on all over the world concerning race?
gaining strength and wisdom the Black Lives Matter story and Just think about it.
was been mocked at, because I tried to understand some things
many sit in the midst of the el- about it all. Certainly I love the
106 | heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY