Page 108 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 108


          hair stage”, they are very easy    fore full canopy stage. Keep on    lings  per  3  holes,  so  thin  1
          to cut off and cannot re-grow.     weeding  backwards  when the       from the hole with 3 in it.
          Weed by walking backwards,         weeds are still tiny at 3 cm tall.  Remove weakest/middle
          simply hoeing them off at the soil                                    YY           YYY        Y Y
          surface and leaving them to add    Thinning
          to God’s Blanket. Pull out creep-  We planted three seeds per         Thinning example 3 – 6 seed-
          ing grasses and carry them out     hole, but we actually only want    lings per 3 holes, so leave all.
          of your field, but try to disturb as   2 seedlings per hole. It has been
          little soil as possible. Repeat the   shown that yields are best at 2   YY YY                          Y Y
          weeding  process every 10-14       seedlings per hole that will leave
          days.                              44,444 plants per hectare. Seed    Full Canopy
          Example: A Farming God's Way       is only certified to have around   One of the great advantages
          farmer, weeding when the weeds     87 percent germination, so if we   of the spacing of 60 by 75cm is
          are just 3cm tall, will complete a   had planted 44,444 seeds, only   that the canopy (cover provided
          hectare by working less than 5     about 38,000 would have come       by the leaves of the maize plant}
          hours a day for 7 days.            up,  excluding  losses  from  rats,   closes  early  on, capturing the
          Waiting  for the weeds  to get     chicken  or Guinea  fowl, leav-    maximum amount of sunlight for
          to 30 cm tall makes the job so     ing probably 35,000 plants  per    good growth whilst also shading
          much  more  difficult,  it  will  take   hectare. Because of this, it is im-  out weeds.  At about  6 weeks,
          twice as long, 14 days to do the   possible to get our optimal yield   your plants are about waist high
          same hectare.  The weed cycle      potential unless we plant three    and they will close the canopy
          is a 10-day cycle, so the weeds    seeds per hole and thin down to    completely  giving  you a rest
          will be 4 days bigger than when    two. It has been proven that for   from weeding for quite a while.
          one first starts. This means one   every cent you spend on the 3rd
          will always be behind with the     seed you will get back 40 cents    Removing Suckers
          weeding  and is likely to lose     through the thinning  process.     Suckers sometimes branch off
          their joy and have a significantly   That is a 40 times cost to benefit   the parent plant at ground level.
          lower yield. Do not let weeds set   ratio - it is worth it.           Some advisors say they should
          seed in your field, as they pro-                                      be removed, but surprisingly this
          duce hundreds of thousands of      Thin at 2-3 weeks after emer-      has not proven to make any dif-
          seeds, which can remain dor-       gence when  seedlings  are         ference to the yield. If you want
          mant  in  the  soil for  20 years,   around 20 to 30cm tall. You do   to remove suckers for neatness
          waiting for  the right conditions   this by uprooting the weakest     sake, simply snap off the suckers
          for germination. Sin and weeds     plant or if they are all the same   with a quick motion just before
          have a lot in common. When you     size then the middle plant of      tassles start to form. Well-wa-
          deal with them, they cannot bear   each hole’s emerged seedlings.     tered gardens look much neater
          bad fruit, but just leave them un-  Look at 3 holes at a time, not    and  more presentable  after re-
          attended for just a few moments    one and thin to 6 seedlings per    moving  suckers, which  should
          and their fruit will leave you in   3 holes.                          be done at about 6 weeks.
          disgrace. Just one year of poor    Thinning example 1 – 9 seed-
          control can result in 7 years of   lings  per  3  holes,  so  thin  1   Pollination and Seed Fill
          weed problems. So be ON TIME       from each hole                     In  a maize plant, there is an
          and keep your lands weed free                                         interesting  biological  phenom-
          throughout the year.               Y Y Y                              enon. Every single ovule has an
          Weeding must be done every 10      Remove middle.                     individual  silk,  the  long golden
          – 14 days when weeds are just 3                                       brown thread that comes through
          cm tall, all the time continuing to   YY Y                            the  top  of  the  cob.  During the
          build up the blanket coverage. It   Remove weakest.                   pollination phase of the plant, a
          is incredible to see the reduction                                    single pollen grain lands on the
          in weed growth when you have        Y YY                              silk and grows down the silk un-
          a good blanket (100% mulch) in     Remove weakest                     til it comes into contact with the
          place. You will most likely have                                      ovule, where it fertilizes to form
          to weed two or three times be-     Thinning example 2 – 7 seed-       a seed. The silks attached to the

          108       |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika                          HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY
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