Page 112 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 112




          MR AFRIKAN: Do you know you matter?

          Samuel Phillips

             t's almost as if when words,    tried over time in other issues of
             concepts, thoughts are used     this magazine to explain what
             all the time, they tend to      it means to live simple, so from      "Black lives do
          Ilose the original meaning         that definition, I will speak about
          and weight that they actually      this issue of Black Lives matter.    not just matter,
          are supposed to carry. The
          words, Black Lives Matter have     Black lives from the eyes of        the Black Life is
          become such words or such an       simplicity
          ideology that has been flogged     I have previously defined sim-               the matter."
          so much, for many years that       plicity as the ability to live within
          it’s now looking so clichéd,       the original beauty and creative
          with many not even trying to       essence of yourself, whether
          understand the reality behind      you have money or not. It is the
          why the lives of Blacks matter.    ability to create what you need    man matter?
          For when you intend to really      with the very resources that you
          look at the concept of Black       have. Simple!                      What does it mean to be
          Lives Matter from a non-biased     I watch the news and see the       Black?
          perspective, the first question    global protests that are going     Without using too many words
          will be, what does it mean to be   on concerning the discrimina-      or scientific jargon, to be Black
          Black? Secondly, what is the       tion and racist attitude of the    simply means to be an original
          definition of Life? And thirdly, to   world to the Afrikan man. I com-  creator and a true defender
          who does the Life of the Black     mend the fact that many are        of life. How do I know this? All
          man matter? We need to sit         giving their voices to the cause,   things created under this sun by
          down and understand these          and in that sense, I commend       God have purposes attached to
          questions and just maybe we        even the other races that are      them and which purposes I also
          will find answers to them, which   joining the Black protest. It's a   believe were ingrained in their
          will in turn create a vision that   huge push forward. But like I     genetic make-up. Of the Black
          can back the concept of Black      have already said, in order for    man, he is the beginning of
          Lives Matter. Until then, we will   us to truly make any sense out    humanity on earth and without
          just be a people of color looking   of these events that have come    mincing words he is the face of
          for our voices to be heard in the   our way, we must be able to       life and the sustenance of life.
          very place where we have nev-      answer the question of what it     Did you know it is only the black
          er shown by our own attitudes      means to be Black. What is the     woman who has the genetic
          towards the black ideology that    definition of Life? And then, to   ability to give birth to every
          Black Lives really matter. I have   who does the Life of the Black    race and color in the world? It
                                                                                is called the Eve Gene and it

          112       |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika                          HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY
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