Page 110 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 110
Natural Healing is Possible
Isabella Baird
y journey to discovering From that day on, I began to neck. Other than that, Niah has
natural health remedies read up on and research how never seen a doctor to date and
started when I had my to support and strengthen our has only been given natural
Mfirst child, Neriah. Being immune systems using natural healing remedies since she was
a new mum and trying to deal remedies to prevent illnesses, born.
with all the worries that would instead of waiting to fight them Other than when I was pregnant
come when she would fall ill, once we were already ill. I also with Niah, I too have not seen a
was not easy. I would tend to began to share what I had doctor in the past 8 years. This
panic whenever she would get learnt with the parents and oth- transformation in understanding
a fever and immediately give er people I knew. All this new in- of how to deal with health the
her Calpol, because that was formation made me literally stop natural way has given my family
what every parent that I knew taking my daughter to doctors immense health and wellness.
did. The other thing I would use and I am proud to say that she I say wellness, because it has
is antibiotics whenever she had has not had any severe illness also given me mental peace of
an infection, until one day, when or even the common flu and knowing that He who created
she was still an infant, she was she has not needed to see a the earth put everything that
prescribed a dose of Augmen- doctor for the past eight years, we need at our fingertips, to
tin, the same amount I would she is now nine. enable us to be healthy. When
get prescribed as an adult. This Another thing I had to battle He spoke and created the
is when I really began to ques- with concerning Neriah was a vegetation, plants and trees, He
tion a lot regarding the medical severe case of eczema that was also creating every healing
industry and the manufactured lasted for a couple of years. I solution to every problem that
medicines we would use. later came to learn that it was would arise, remember after all
One day I called my brother, caused by the vaccines people He is the God who knows the
who is a medical doctor in Den- give their children, for lack of beginning from the end! For me
mark. I asked him what should better understanding. At that everything that I needed to sup-
really be done when a 3 month time I was not knowledgeable port, build and heal our bodies
old has a fever. To my surprise on the dangers of vaccines and was right there in my kitchen.
he said I should not give her I had her fully vaccinated. How- They were items I would use
calpol, he continued to say that ever, when I had my youngest every day to cook with but I
he would not prescribe Calpol daughter Niah, I heard a voice, didn’t know or understand their
to any child. He recommended that I know was God, instructing use as natural medicines.
instead that she should wear me to not have her vaccinated. The main item I would use from
the minimum amount of clothing By that time she had already my kitchen which you probably
possible, so that her body could had a couple of vaccines, but I have and use regularly too is,
cool down, and that I should let stopped from that moment on. yes you guessed it, garlic. Let’s
her ride out the fever for three I stand to testify that since the take a deeper look at the com-
days, while closely monitoring day that Niah left the hospital ponents of garlic and how bene-
her temperature and keeping after she was born, she has ficial it can be to our health.
her hydrated. He explained that never had an ailment beyond
a fever is a sign that the im- the common flu, a few fevers
mune system is fighting a virus. and one case of a rash on her
110 | heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY