Page 109 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 109


          bottom rows of  ovules emerge      time and then weed lightly. The    several times during the growing
          first and are the first to be pol-  light weeding will allow for good   season of the maize plant, but at
          linated  and the maize cob will    cover crop seed to soil contact    the end of the season the pupae
          gradually fill going upwards un-   and germination.                   is formed at the crown of the
          til the top seeds of the cob are                                      plant, on the coolest shady side
          filled.  However,  the  silks  need   Harvest Time                    at the soil surface. If we knock
          to be moist in order for pollina-  Harvest when your maize is         down  the  maize  stalks,  we  ex-
          tion to take place;otherwise,      physiologically mature, usually 2   pose the pupae to UV radiation
          the pollen cannot grow through     months after tassling. The stalks   and heat.  This dries them out
          the silks tube. If the silks dry off   will look very dry and the cobs   and along with the opportunistic
          through  insufficient  available   will most probably  be hanging     feeding  of other species  such
          moisture during this stage of the   down.  The seeds will be  well    as ants, birds and decompos-
          crop, then significant crop loss-  dented, glassy and too hard to     ing  bacteria,  can  significantly
          es can occur.                      scratch with your nail.  At this   reduce stalk borer infestation.
                                             stage, the maize is at about 30%   Interestingly enough, grazing
          Pre-harvest Late Weeding           moisture content. Harvest your     alone has proven to  be inad-
          The maize plant is usually physi-  cobs and store them in a safe,     equate in the reduction of stalk
          ologically  mature between 90-     dry,  sunny place around your      borer incidence, as the crown is
          120 days and begins to dry off     house, on the roof top or on a     still intact. This stresses the im-
          and die  back.  The  leaves  fold   drying rack, until they are prop-  portance of not cutting or graz-
          up  and  for  the  first  time  since   erly dried out.  The seeds will   ing down the stalks but rather
          canopy closure, light penetrates   have  no transparent  sections     knocking them down complete-
          through the canopy. This stimu-    in them when ready to  store  -    ly. Knock the stalks down back-
          lates weed growth under the        that is at about  13%  moisture    wards, by kicking them off at the
          canopy,  as there is still some    content. Only then, should the     crown, laying them neatly in the
          residual moisture. Most farmers    maize be shelled, dusted with      inter rows. These stalks are our
          leave this last weeding and they   chemicals and stored in bags.      new blanket or mulch, so do not
          end up harvesting in a jungle of                                      burn them and do your best to
          weeds like black jacks and burrs   Post-Harvest Stalk Lodging         protect them from animals. Next
          that stick in their clothes and buf-  Stalk borer is a terrible  pest in   season we will plant into these
          falo beans  that burn  their skin.   maize, but we can control it if   maize stalks, which would have
          The harvest, which is supposed     we understand its life cycle. It   decomposed  quite  significantly.
          to be a joyful experience, is now   starts as a pupa at the start of   The next session called “20 rea-
          a misery. A fourth light weeding   the season;  it then becomes  a    sons why we do the how” will
          at this time will  be very useful   moth,  which lays eggs on the     take you on a discovery of why
          as the harvest can be done with    stems.  The eggs hatch into        God’s Blanket has proven to be
          joy and carry us through the off-  worms, which bore through the      our soil’s greatest asset.
          season with a weed free stand.     stems, leaving  their trademark
          Alternatively if there is sufficient   breathing holes on the sides of   Source material: Farming God’s
          soil moisture, plant a relay crop   the stalks. They then pupate af-  Way Trainer’s Reference Guide.
          or broadcast a cover crop such     ter 27 days and the whole cycle    Dryden, G.W., 2009.
          as cow peas or lablab  at this     starts again. This cycle happens

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