Page 111 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 111


          Cooking with garlic                found in garlic, Allicin and       When to consume Garlic
          I literally use garlic in all my   Ajoene, are responsible for the    For maximum benefit, garlic is
          cooking, I grate it into my food   antioxidant properties in garlic,   best consumed in the morning
          and make garlic oil with it,       because of the sulfur content      hours on an empty stomach.
          which I use to fry food or use     in it.                             This also helps to heal stomach
          as a salad dressing. When I                                           and digestion problems and
          use garlic in cooking I usually    Benefits of consuming garlic       stimulates appetite.
          add the garlic towards the end     Immune system – garlic flushes
          so that I don’t overcook it and    out toxins and fights off harmful   How to consume garlic
          therefore lose all of its nutrients.   bacteria and viruses, helping   Eating raw garlic is more ben-
          This way, it also maintains the    prevent one from falling ill.      eficial than consuming cooked
          strong garlic taste and smell      Brain function – regular con-      garlic as cooking destroys
          that makes food so yummy.          sumption of garlic at an early     about 90% of its nutrients.
                                             age produces healthy brain         Crush or chop garlic and leave
          I make the garlic oil by blend-    cells and is said to prevent dis-  it for 15 minutes to oxidize as
          ing a bunch of garlic bulbs and    eases like           Alzhei-       this allows all the nutrients to
          placing them in a jar of olive oil,                                   come out.
          shaking the mixture well and
          leaving it to sit for a full day                                       How much to consume
          before use.                                                              4 cloves of garlic are rec-
                                                                                     ommended per day for an
          As Medicine                                                                 average healthy person,
          I use garlic as an                                                           2-4 cloves for pregnant
          immune booster by                                                             women, which is said
          crushing or blending 2                                                         to be beneficial for
          to 3 garlic bulbs and                                                          both mum and baby.
          storing them in a jar
          and then giving my                                                             *Eating more than
          children 2 teaspoons                                                           the recommended
          full each day and                                                              amount of garlic can
          taking a tablespoon full                                                      cause heartburn,
          myself. Adding olive oil                                                     bloating, bad breath and
          to the jar helps increase                                                   body odor.
          the shelf life.
                                                                                   Interesting facts-
          I sometimes use garlic oil for                                        Zinc and copper found in
          ear infections, using one drop                                        garlic are the two minerals that
          of oil in each ear in the morn-                                       studies have shown are linked
          ing and evening, after carefully   mer’s.                             to living a long life up to and
          straining the garlic pieces out.   Lowers blood pressure – Garlic     beyond 100 years.
                                             is said to be beneficial in reduc-  In ancient times garlic was used
          Cutting a clove of garlic in half   ing blood pressure.               to keep warriors healthy.
          and rubbing the flesh of the       Reduces risk of cancer – Sulfur    Studies have shown that con-
          garlic on the skin has helped      compounds in garlic are said       suming a garlic supplement for
          to soothe skin irritations my      to reduce growth of tumor cells    four weeks can reduce your risk
          children would have.               and ultimately prevents cancer.    of cardio vascular disease by
                                             Cardiovascular diseases – Gar-     12%.
          Nutritional Value                  lic is said to reduce the risk
                                             of strokes and to also contain     *Be careful to use organic
          According to www.nutritionval-     anti-clotting factors. The ajoene   garlic for your preparations.
 garlic contains sodium,     compound in garlic helps it to     You can easily grow your
          dietary fiber, protein, calcium,   work as a blood thinner and        own or ensure that you get it
          iron and potassium. Garlic is      promotes healthy blood circu-      only from trusted sources.
          also rich in sulfur and two of     lation.
          the most important compounds
                                         heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    111
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