Page 107 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 107


              GREEN HANDS


          AS THEY GROW

          Nicholas Munyororo

                                                                                 3) Exposure to sunlight.
                      his   month,    we     gaps in order to avoid wasting
                                                                                 Farming God’s Way counter-
                      continue with our      the spaces.
                                                                                acts these stimuli by:
                      implementatio n        Today we shall continue to see
                      of Farming God’s       what we need to do as the plants    1) Not plowing and minimal soil
         TWay practically  in                continue to grow and start facing   disturbance - drastically reduc-
                                                                                ing weed seed disturbance,
          the garden. We started by illus-   challenges as they do. The first
                                                                                scratching and exposure to light
          trating how to dig the holes and   challenges the young seeds face
                                                                                2) God’s Blanket cover - mini-
          to measure out the density of      as they come up are weeds. It is
          seeds on the farm when planting    important  to understand  weeds    mizes  weed  seed  exposure  to
          maize. We also looked at how to    in order  to  know how to  elimi-  light
                                                                                 3) Planting at 60*75 cm spac-
          correct acidic  soils, application   nate them from your garden.
                                                                                ing - effectively cuts out light by
          of organic  inputs, planting and
                                                                                closing the canopy from as ear-
          applying God’s blanket (mulch).    Weeding
          We left  off  where the plants     Weeds  significantly  lower  crop   ly as 5 weeks, thereby reducing
          had emerged from the soil and      yields  because  they compete      weed seed exposure to sunlight
                                                                                even further.
          we had seen that sometimes         with the plants for water, nutri-
                                                                                 Do your first weeding when the
          there are  gaps  larger  than we   ents, light and space. Weeds
                                                                                weeds  are still small  (around
          intended caused by chickens or     are stimulated to germinate by:
          rats or squirrels digging out the    1) Disturbance of the soil,      three cm tall) which is usually
          seeds before they emerge. We        2) Scratching of the seed coat    10-14 days after planting. When
                                                                                weeding  is done  at this “white
          addressed  how  to  fill  in  these   and

                                         heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    107
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