Page 113 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 7
P. 113


          traces back to an Afrikan female   edges the cosmic order etc
          said to have been on earth         from the place of harmony with
          more than 200,000 years ago.       self, others and the unseen
          She is the mother of all races     spirits. He is not random and
          and colors on the earth. She is    foolish enough to think that he
          both modern and ancient.           can speak about Black Lives
          So if every black man or woman     Matter, when it is about white
          out there can understand this      supremacy but to keep quiet
          reality from a spiritual, mental,   when it comes to dealing with
          physical standpoint, then the      the rifts, the hate, the violence,
          narrative of a backward Black      the killings and the whole lot of
          race will die an instant death.    chaos going on within the Black
          For each will now understand       Community. Meaning that when
                                                                                Our lives as Blacks do matter,
          and begin to deliberately live,    next you as a Black Afrikan or     but we must know and uphold
          create, birth, innovate, speak,    Afrikan American pick that gun     the simple things that make life
          lead from the place of life        or carry that bag of drugs, re-
                                                                                worth living.
          giving, originality, wholeness,    mind yourself that your life and
          black-pride etc and not from       the lives of your black brothers
                                                                                I do not believe in victimism,
          that place of oppression and       and sisters matter. Or else we     which is defined as an acquired
          victimism. The reality is that,    are just deceiving ourselves       personality trait in which a per-
          no man holds our rights in their   that Black Lives Matter.
                                                                                son tends to recognize or con-
          hands. The rights of the black
                                                                                sider themselves as a victim of
          man are in the hands of the        To who does the Black Life
                                                                                the negative actions of others.
          black man. He just needs to        matter?
          know that that right is not about   I am trying not to misplace       Black Lives do matter, but we
          him being able to speak on         my words, for clearly, these
                                                                                must create avenues for love
          the streets of America or else-    are sensitive times. But all the
                                                                                and brotherhood. Create busi-
          where, but that he in his mind is   same, what needs to be said
                                                                                nesses that support blacks. De-
          clear about his original purpose   just has to be said.               liberately create new narratives
          and by that knowledge shakes       The life of the black man, I       about better black lives, stop
          off the misinterpretations that    believe, should first of all matter
                                                                                the violence and the madness
          he had been labeled with for       to the black man himself. But
                                                                                of competition and do all to sup-
          many years.                        the question is this, the lives
                                                                                port life. We cannot be holding
                                             of the black babies that are       the chicken and chips of the
          What is the definition of Life?    aborted daily in those abortion    white man with our right hand
          To the ancient Afrikans, life is   clinics, do they matter? The
                                                                                and then be pointing at him with
          what makes our world go round,     young blacks that die needless-
                                                                                our left hand as the problem we
          not money, as the modern man       ly on the streets of America and
                                                                                have. We have to create from
          makes it appear. Life for them     in Afrika during gang related      what we have the reality and life
          was the spirit of the commu-       wars, do they matter too? Does     we want to see. We are not in
          nity that kept the generations     it matter to anyone or is it that
                                                                                competition with the white man
          connected to the very Tree of      Black lives only matter when
                                                                                like some have made us be-
          Life from where it all began. Life   it involves the white man? It
                                                                                come, it is not a fight between
          for them was the breath of God     should not be so. For if that is   Afrika and America or Europe, it
          and the daily reality of living    how we think it to be then we      is a fight of lack of identity and
          in harmony with that breath is     have clearly lost what makes us
                                                                                purpose within ourselves. We
          what created their community       Blacks.
                                                                                must resolve that.
          life. So the original black man,
          having understood that life is     An Afrikan proverb says that he    No one will give us what we
          golden and precious, he builds     who must eat a frog, should eat    truly deserve if we don't live
          his family around it, he builds    the one with eggs. Simply put,
                                                                                and think like we already have it
          his community around it, plants    he who must go the journey
                                                                                with us.
          his food around it, relates with   for change must be ready to
          others based on life, acknowl-     change everything along that

                                         heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    113
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