Page 52 - Surrender - Don't Just Live
P. 52
already done the laparoscopy. She was also frustrated because she was
rushing to a different county to attend to a personal matter and in the
event the hospital called her in to come and take care of us as an emer-
gency, she would be hard-pressed on how to be there for us.
By the time my husband was getting home, I had sobered up following
conversations with Mother Eagle and Mama. My mind and heart were
back to the place where I was thinking about the things set above.
This upset more than it relieved him because he had gone through so
much trying to look for a car whose owner had a pass that would take
us to hospital past curfew hours. The relevant authorities took this quite
seriously, especially then. I texted my doctor to notify her we were okay
and would see her the following day.
That night we prayed and as we were praying in the Spirit, the Holy
Spirit brought to my understanding part of the reason this happened.
In 2019, God taught me about The Courts of Heaven. He helped me
understand why some of our prayers go unanswered or why we struggle
with some things. I encourage you to look up Robert Henderson for an
in-depth understanding of this.
A good number of times we like to believe that we are in charge of our
own fertility decisions. And it is therefore common for people to as-
sume that we got pregnant because we were not on any family planning
method. Some well-meaning people advised we get ourselves on a plan
and “take a break”! I, however, have learnt that none of these available
methods supersedes God’s perfect will. I believe that is the primary rea-
son He made my doctor a good example of this. I also recently had
a chat with my neighbour’s 60-year-old mum who was telling me that
there is a seven-year gap between her first two children and three years
between the second and the third and the third and fourth. With all
these children, they were trying to have the babies sooner, but God was
simply not making it happen according to their plans.